on the weekend... i went to vancover, with girl guides but shhh! no one has to know. we all went to the coleseum but i think the bus ride was the funnest part :) my friend and i tried getting up at four am but that didnt work because... well we were both laying there and she was like sierra get upppp and i was like nooo so she was like screw it and we both went to sleep, then at about four thirty she was awake again laying down, i closed my eyes for a second and when i opened them again she was up at her mirror looking at her face. i got up and that was that. the bathroom light was so bright so i dimmed the lights, then i put some thick eyeliner on and i was like whatever. i am often teased about how much makeup i wear, but its a scene thing so ya, i need to be able to handle being stared at and teased if i want to be scene... scene is often frowned upon and scene people are often called "posers" but im just being me. just becase i wear bright clothing, thick eyeliner etc.. dosnt mean im a poser! the first time i saw a "scene queen" i was amazed at how outgoing the look was and i wanted to look like that, but that dosnt mean im trying to be something that im not; i just like the style! so i wanted to be a bleach white hair scene queen but that didnt work... my hair started falling out so i had to dye it dark... that didnt work and it looked terrible but now ive recovered and my hair is normal; i plan to dye it a shade darker. anyway i got so side tracked by the scene thing... that morning we left for the place where the greyhound bus was waiting and everyone looked so tired! we got on the bus and rolled along the road to vancover, i made sure i didnt drink anything at all the entire time so i wouldnt pee myself (i have a phobia of not being able to use the bathroom when i need to) in the first hour of driving everyone was like yayy then people piped down and i went to sleep. i have to say, that was the longest day of my life! the hours droned on as i sat semi awake on the bus, then finally... i decided to recline my seat, ha ha i crushed the person sitting behind me! im just glad the seat infront of me was unreclinable >:D *evil laugh* because i an extreamely claustraphobic! also i have social anxiety disorder, which is the fear of being called upon infront of the class, being noticed, standing out, and constantly being afraid of talking to people. its hard for me, because none of my teachers know about it so they call on me in class and i feel like i have to scream and run away, or puke. so when we arrived in vancover it was extreamely stressfull because we were crowded in the colaseum with 8000 other girls, i have to say again... i spent nearly 200 bucks on that trip and it wasnt worth it!! i will never do it again if presented with the oportunity! so the trip sucked bla bla bla... when it was time to sleep the lights were still on at 12:00 pm, and we were all crowded on the cold floor, plus there was no private space to change but in our sleeping bags, which sucked, by the way. finally i fell aleep. in the morning everyone had to rise at 7:00 am... then when we left my leader wouldnt let me use the bathroom before i left. i fell asleep on the busride back home and i awoke to the sound of a camera in close range. it turns out my friend took a picture of me when i was sleeping and i looked TARDED! so i got home and just collapsed on my bed.. oh right: after my mom forgot to pick me up. turns out some bad pictures of me were taken on the trip and were posted on facebook! >:( i did everything i could to get them off but no! so i fixed my camera amd there are some pretty bad pictures of some people on there, i will post them and see how they like it! they say im over reacting but i dont think i am! so ya i got some stuff done on the weekend and i have more to do: i have to sell nine cases of cookies to raise 200 bucks to go swimming with the dolphins in san fransisco, im going to san fransisco in about a month and ive only raised aproximetly 300 dollars, so buy my cookies! PLEASE!
thanks for reading
some typos... meh